
TruE 歌词 - 黄龄 / HOYO-MiX 崩坏3《因你而在的故事》动画短片印象曲

Say my name when a tree susurrates 当花叶呢喃之时,请呼唤我的名字 Once and again telling a story lost in time 由此开启那飘零于时间里的故事 the way it starts and the way it ends 如是始源,如是终焉 Never again making up stories in dismay 不再自绝望中编织传说 With several starts, but just one end 分叉的起点,终将在结局交汇

The Way You Felt 歌词 - Biscuits / Lil笑笑

The way you felt in my arms, our chemistry was sacred 当我拥你入怀之时 暧昧的化学反应袅袅升起 Oh, I fell for your charm, I was so infatuated 我为你的魅力所着迷 痴倒在你的石榴裙下 But you left me in the dark and my heart completely vacant 但你却将我遗弃于黑暗中 徒自让心中只剩空荡荡的回响 Now I don’t know-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh 如今我上下求索 无所适从 惶惶度日

给月亮的三行诗 歌词 - 黄丽玲 《我要逆风去》电视剧片尾曲

月亮交换日落 Moon exchange sunset 夜空银河闪烁 The Milky Way twinkles in the night sky 枕着叶片熟睡的花朵 Flowers sleeping on their leaves 期盼像只小熊 Hope is like a bear 钻进谁的美梦 Into whose dream 仿佛是又怦然心动 As if it was palpitating again 不经意 你的指尖拨乱我呼吸