
Unstoppable歌词 - Sia

I'll smile I know what it takes to fool this town 我会展露笑颜 我清楚该如何欺骗整个城镇 I'll do it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time 我会一直这样 直到太阳落山 度过漫漫长夜 Oh yeah oh yeah I'll tell you what you wanna hear 我会告诉你 你想要听到的任何话语 keep my sunglasses on while I shed a tear 边用太阳眼镜掩盖着 边抹去眼角的泪花 It's never the right time yeah 无论何时 都永不是恰当的时机 I put my armor on show you how strong I am 我披上我的盔甲 向你展现我有多么强大 I put my armor on I'll show you that I am 我穿戴上了铠甲 我会让你意识到

the lakes (original version) 歌词 - Taylor Swift

Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me? 倘若我全部挽歌 皆尽为讴歌自己所谱写 是否足够浪漫 I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones 我不愿投身于愤世嫉俗者的世俗洪荒中 These hunters with cell phones 也不想与 以手机见风使舵的流言捕手同流合污 Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die 同我联袂共赴湖畔 无数诗人于此驾鹤西归 I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you 我本不属于那 亲爱的 你也从未归属于那 Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry 温德米尔湖旁 群峰高耸入云 看似为泪水倾洒之胜地

Mood (Lil Ghost Remix) 歌词 - 24kGoldn / iann dior / Lil Ghost小鬼

Why you always in a mood 为何你总是心情不悦 ****in 'round, actin' brand new 四处游转 却焕然新面目 I ain’t tryna tell you what to do but try to play it cool 我不愿对你指手划脚 但却会镇定地说 Baby I ain’t playing by your rules 亲爱的 我才不会因你 而循规蹈矩 Everything look better with a view 敞开新视野 一切将会更美好 Why you always in a mood 为何你总是心情不悦

Rolling in the Deep歌词 - Adele

There 's a fire starting in my heart 熊熊火焰自我心底燃起 Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark 燃至极点 带我步出这黑暗 Finally I can see you crystal clear 终于我可以把你看得一清二楚 Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare 继续出卖我 我就揭露你所有见不得人的秘密 See how I leave with every piece of you 看看我是如何把你的一切都抛在身后 Don't underestimate the things that I will do 不要小瞧了我为爱要做的复仇

Shots (Broiler Remix) 歌词 - Imagine Dragons / Broiler

Am I out of touch 我是否已变得难以接近 Am I out of my place 是否已偏离我心中的自己 When I keep saying that I'm looking for an empty space 当我不断想要追寻某个并不存在的偏执梦境 Oh I'm wishing you're here 我明明很希望你在我身边 But I'm wishing you're gone 却又想干脆与你就此不见 I can't have you when I’m only gonna do you wrong 我无法将你拥入怀里 因我只会不断做出伤害你的事情